Distance Between a Point and a Line

Posted by Xingyu Wang on June 5, 2021

Parametric Lines

Given 2 points, one line can be defined as:


which is as same as:

v is the vector pointing from one point to the other point on the line.
t can be any values, if t is positive, then L(t) represents a ray with a starting point P and a vector v.

Distance Between a Point and a Line

Point Projection

u is the vector from p to q
||u|| is the magnitude of u

We want the shorest distance from point q to line, in the graph above it’s the distance from q to q’.
q’ is the projection of q to the line.

Solution 1

The first solution is intuitive. If the distance pq’ and ||u|| are known, then qq’ can be calculated.

Calculation of ||pq’||

Base on property of dot product:

divided by magnitude of v :

Now ||u|| and ||pq’|| are known, ||qq’|| can be calculated base on Pythagorean theorem.

Problem of this solution

Since positions of point q and p are both unknown so that it’s possible that distance from q to p might be really large. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean point p is far away from the line.

In that case, ||u|| and u dot v may have really large floaing point values. Square of ||u|| and subtracting u dot v will result loss of precesions.

Solution 2


Base on the property of cross product:
The magnitude of a X b is equal to the area of parallelogram with side b and b

The area of parallelogram is also equal to base mupltiply with height.

In our case, base is the magnitude of vector v. Height is ||qq’||

Solution 2 still has substractions between large floating numbers (happens inside cross product), but it’s better because floating point values are not squared first before substraction.

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