High dynamic range(HDR)
The idea of HDR is do not clamp color values to the range of [0.0, 1.0] until the final result.
HDR Off, looks uncomfortable, many details are lost
When texture is initialized with normalized fixed-point color format, the value will be clamped to the range of [0.0, 1.0] in OpenGL.
In order to have a color buffer that exceed this limit, the format should be specified as floating point framebuffer such as GL_RGBA32F.
32 in GL_RGBA32F means 32 bits for one color channel. The default size of 8 bits per channel.
This demo uses GL_RGBA16F, since 16 bits is enough for this demo.
Tone Mapping
Tone mapping maps color values to the range of [0.0, 1.0] which is low dynamic range(LDR). This demo uses Reinhard tone mapping.